Steve Wynn mandy breakdown

Breaking bad news
Never was anything you could use
There was just too much time for worry
Memory fades
Into deeper shades of grey
Everything's fine, you barely notice now
Mandy Breakdown
Bruises and scars
In shapes of the stars, good stories in bars
Good for a laugh if you let her
Yellow and brown
One lifts you up and one brings you down
I can't say which is better
Mandy Breakdown
Squirrels at play
They've come to take the nuts away
I wouldn't worry if I was you
Sick and diseased
Crouching down on your knees
It's all so old that it feels so new
Mandy Breakdown
Hidden from view
Everyone lowers their voice around you
All the attention you so rightly earned
When will it end?
Where do we send the bends that mend
All of your friends are so concerned
Mandy Breakdown