Strip Music hollywood wolfman

I have to say sometimes I'm glad
To have you looking over my shoulder
In this compartment space I feel your breath
And that's when nothing's ever felt colder
Put on your mask and please remain seated
We'll tell you when the worst is over
Remain calm in situations of panic
That's when you want to stay clear and sober
And to your left the wing is on fire
We'll tell you when the crisis is over
If you find yourself between two shores
Then we'll need to land over
To be a part of this crew
You can apply if you're 18 or over
And should we not meet again, we'll always have this
To look back at when we're older, and commend over
Put on your mask and please remain seated
We'll tell you when the worst is over
Remain calm in situations of panic
That's when you want to stay clear and sober
And to your left the wing is on fire
We'll tell you when the crisis is over
If you find yourself between two shores
Then we'll need to land over