Sudden Suspension in knots

I severed the noose you tied around my heart
But the strings still hold your name in knots
And I still think about you sometimes
I wonder why'd you go away and what the hell did I do wrong
Where am I supposed to go from here
And how do I move on
When do I start feeling better
Cause I just wanna feel better
And not feel like everything I ever did was wrong
It's been a year now since you left me out in the cold
In that shitty truck headed home
With no heat and windows that don't quite close
Let's add up everything I ever did
It wasn't much but at least it was sincere
And compare it with everything you ever did
All you did was leave me here
And you'll see and everyone will see
Just where you stand and what you did wrong to me
And I'll see I'll finally see
That I let this happen
I miss sitting on your bed and feeling awkward
Cause I don't know how to act when I'm alone with you
But I'll miss every second of it
Cause I know that I'll never have that with you again
And I know that somewhere somehow
I must have fucked things up
But I just wish you'd tell me where and how
So I can make a note to never do it again