Sundstrom Stefan sabinas sjtte sng

Sundstrom Stefan
Sabina's sixth song
The flowers and the bees
buzz in our ears
One can wonder what do they do
With the likes of you and me?
Spring is here
That's when people fall in love
Have you been there before
you know it ends
But should that stop you?
is like the weather< br/>You see that the sun is shining
You take off your clothes and freeze
and get dressed again
Life is short
but art is learning ¥ng
So here's a song
about everything going too fast
When our time is up< br/>Should we regret it?
And regret everything we didn't do
Being like photo models
Is that what life is about?
Go and hold your stomach in
all the damn day
it's nothing for me
The war between the sexes
Sighs, cries and groans
Upgrading with push-ups
makeup boxes and work-out
And no one dares to be a friend
If eroticism
is like gymnastics
Is it good for physics
but you get disappointed
I can feel it
The art is long
But life is short
You only live once
And you live in my song
Isn't it pretty crowded?
Come out and live life for once!
Sabina unbuckle now
And Let's Make Love now
Take off the raff set
and that hat with brim ¤ttet
Then we can have cuttrasju