Super Water Sympathy when you re not around

And your lips taste like cheap whiskey
With a hint of Pall Mall blues
And your fingertips dyed yellow
From that habit that you do
And when your eyes lock up with mine
Our colors seem to intertwine
To make a substance i have found as vital
As the soil we walk
And when you’re not around, I’ve found my heart feels like
Its on the ground
It starts to pound, the only sound that makes me smile
When you’re not
When you’re not around
When you’re not around
When the wind blows there’s no sound
And the rain never reaches the ground
And the sun just wont shine down
When you’re not around
And your palms as smooth as marble
Graze the surface of my skin
My heavy breaths have caused my chest
To rise up and then sink in
The butterflies, I’ve tried to hide
It seems these forces cant subside
I’m forced to let these bugs infest
The inner parts of me
When you’re not around
When you’re not around
When the wind blows there’s no sound
And the rain never reaches the ground
And the sun just wont shine down
When you’re not around