Superbus duo

I know it's not my age
But we're free
Lying on my page
You, you guide me
If we touched the clouds
From the tip of my face
A bit of your face
Let's draw a picture
I know it's not my age
But I emphasize
The features of your face
In Indian ink
It's still flowing
Before your eyes so much effort
We decorate ourselves, we put on makeup
br/>And more
And without being in love, it's always better
I know it's not my age
But I align
I paint on your face
And you do my makeup
Just a little coloring
Along your eyelashes
If you weren't so good
I would play the girl
It's still flowing
Before your eyes so much effort
We decorate ourselves, we put on makeup
And more
And without being in love, it's always better
It's still flowing
Before your eyes so much effort
We agree, we imagine
Even more
And without being in love, it's always better