Surgeon all fall down

fools on each side claim bad and good
while those all up high firmly stood
laughing out side the caul
confindant they will never fall
everyone takes a side, those in between
suffer the divide
*singing outside the song
some make the climb but everyone falls
All fall down
all fall down
subconsciously we see
drawn to the glow of what we believe
wandering in a fog
circling endless we bear the slog
forever we rewind
forward becomes backwards in time
tattered but pushing on
our hunger alive
and our need is strong
All fall down
all fall down
anything that bleeds, tie it off tie it of
now we follow the seeds
now we follow the trail that bleeds
closer than we realize
hidden in places we recognize
samples of what we see,
become what we want to believe
reality constructed by,
the darkest corner of the mind