Sutton Foster feat. Violet Company on my way

Old Lady:
Well I'm going to Nashville. The country-
music capital of the world?
My son lives there and works in the cellophane plant.
He's got three little boys not old enough to be in school yet.
I don't know how I feel about a house full of children.
It's hot in here…
Old Lady:
I had eight children myself.
Stevie, the youngest, I lost him to Korea.
Harvey's the only other boy.
The girls, of course, are scattered to the winds,
they made such beautiful brides… Sorry dear.
I hope you have a nice visit.
Old Lady:
It's not a visit. I maybe will move. I tell
you what though, and I know you won't think well of me for it,
but I am right tired of children.
Look at her skin –
China white,
Tissue- thin
Look how the light
Cuts clear to the bone
Givers her skin such a tone –
I'd take it any day
Praise God for everyone I meet
While I, I am on my way
My face is mean
Eighty years'
Worth of tears
Might scrub it clean
As hers, and as strong
Old Lady:
Eighty years'
Worth of tears
Might scrub it clean
…And strong
But Jesus, don't wait so long
To make my face okay
At last, the North Carolina border!
And I…
I am on my way
Before another sunrise wakes me
Violet/Old Lady/Bus Driver:
Before another night is gone
I'll find out where this highway takes me
You know I got to travel on
Left my troubles all behind me
Back there when I climbed on board
Jordon River's where you'll find me
It's wide but not too wide to ford
And as I'm goin' along
I carry with me
Promises that can't go wrong
Young Vi:
And as I'm goin' along
Promises that can't go wrong
As I travel on my way
Bus Driver:
First thing I'll do
Go to Sal's Barbecue
Greasy, messy barbecue
Best I've had
Old Lady:
Ready or not,
All those boys,
Making noise
Grubby hands
Dirty toys
Can't be so bad
Not the worst
Post I've had
Not so bad
Red hair's a thought
Really fine –
Not like mine –
No matter what
Bus Driver:
I'll have some pie
Old Lady:
No better than squirrels
It's bound to be dry
A head full of curls
Violet/Young Violet:
Like Judy Holliday
Bus Driver:
Wave goodbye, folks, to Carolina!
Old Lady:
His wife thinks I'm a dragonfly, Lord
You've got to help me find my way
Too bad we don't see eye-to-eye, Lord
We could pass the time of day
Old Lady/Flick/Violet:
Promises that can't go wrong
Violet/Young Vi:
As I travel on
As I travel on my way
Left my troubles all behind me
Back there when I climbed on board
Jordan River's where you'll find me
It's wide but not too wide to ford
And as I'm goin' along
I carry with me
Promises that can't go wrong
As I travel on
As I travel on…
My way

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