Taking Your Last Chance eschaton eternal

I compile eternity into a moment.
Your religion turns to dust.
The gods you believe in are decimated right before your eyes.
Watching the plagues, animals feasting on themselves.
Have you turned into vampire, and the dusk is now your dawn?
The ravens eat the crows.
Crosses are fallen, thrones are destroyed.
If you were king then now you're suffering.
Torment in pain, bleed.
Watch the flies, watch the insects grow.
Watch the snakes, watch them spread, watch them breed, breed, breed even more.
Are you terrified? Well you should be.
We came for war and our dreams can't be saved.
We will bathe in blood and screams of agony surrounding us.
You don't believe in god, I've got good news for you - he doesn't believe in you too.
Watch the flies, watch the insects grow.
Behold them spread and breed, breed, breed, breed even more.
Are you terrified? Well you should be.
Beg. Eat shit and die alone.