Taryn Southern untitled track

Have you ever taken 20 selfies
Just to get the perfect one
(you know you have)
You pick your favourite filter and send in a rush
To your mom with a heart 'cause you're drunk
You're not alone
We all have secrets of our own
We do things no one sees
Everyone pees
In the ocean
We all know the words to Nickelback songs
But in public we pretend like we hate them
(you love the photograph one)
We all go out and have random sex with a two
And imagine he's Channing Tatum
(He's so hot)
We all pick at zits and smell our armpits
We all drunk text our last ex
We all pass gas of a critical mass and blame someone else for the mess
(it was Taryn!)
We all have std's
(wait what?)
We all wet the bed at least once in our adult lives
We all stuff our bras to full D's
(ha bayum!)
You're not alone
We all have secrets of our own
We do things no one sees
Everyone pees
In the ocean
In the ocean
In the ocean
Say yeah if you've cheated on a test
Say yeah if you've been in debt (yea!)
Say yeah if shaved your pubes in the shower and fed him to your hamster 'cause he needs
fiber 'cause he's So - (what)
We all say we're 5 min away when we're on the other side of town
(every single date)
We all take a poo after a good morning brew
It's so big that it won't flush down
(why won't they just make toilet holes larger?)
You're not alone
We all have secrets of our own
We do things no one sees
Everyone pees
In the ocean
In the ocean
In the ocean
Everyone pees
In the ocean