Tatiana la risa de las vocales

The palace, the palace
of the king number non
is decorated is decorated
with a beautiful meeting
the vowels, the vowels
are guests of honor
and the king tells white jokes
and some colored ones
So that his guests can see
that today he is in a good mood
and that's how A laughs hahahaha
and that's how the E laughs hehehehe
but the I laughs more
because it looks like you hehehehehe
and that's how the O laughs hojohoho
But it doesn't laugh the U
Why doesn't the U laugh?
Because the donkey laughs more than you
The palace, the palace
of the king number non
is decorated It is decorated
with a beautiful meeting
the vowels, the vowels
are guests of honor
and the king tells white jokes
and one or another of color
So that your guests can see
that today you are in a good mood
and that's how A laughs hahahaha
and that's how E laughs hehehehe
but he laughs harder It's the I
because it looks like you hehehehehe
and that's how the O laughs hojojojo
But the U doesn't laugh
Why doesn't the U laugh?
Because the donkey laughs more than you
and that's how A laughs hahahaha
and that's how E laughs hehehehe
but I laughs more
because It looks like you hehehehehe
and that's how the O laughs hohohoho
But the U doesn't laugh
Why doesn't the U laugh?
Because the donkey laughs more than you