Teethgrinder vitriol

I'll relieve you of your wretched tongue.
Foul serpent bitch, your deceitful ways have lasted far too long.
No offence, you had it coming.
Accept the blood while it's gushing.
Accept the gushing blood.
Choke on the empty words you preached while you we're drowning your guilt with apathy.
Your, once, sweet taste has turned sour, fueling my disgust with every hour.
Fueling my immense disgust.
Today marks your funeral/It´s burial time,
Exhume the remains of your rotten legacy.
The sadness in your eyes, once hold dear.
A reflection of your emptiness.
Choke on the empty words you preached while you we're drowning your guilt with apathy.
Your, once, sweet taste has turned sour, fueling my disgust with every hour.
Fueling my immense disgust.
Accept the gushing blood.