Telling On Trixie shooting in 60

Call action!
I’m waiting here in makeup
For my grand debut
I wanna feel
45 million exhalations aiming at my face
go head take your place
Let the curtain rise
Cuz it’s showtime!
And we’re shooting on 60
Take your places
Double time
Pick a God, any God,
I hope he suits you fine
Cuz hearts turn to diamonds
When spades and clubs collide
Face the camera
Turn your lovin’ to the lens, now
Let it love you back
Let it love you back
With 45 million lovers lovin’ me
Give ‘em luck, my blood is bold
at 60 frames a second I am
spitting out my – spitting out my soul.
Cuz it’s showtime!
And we’re shooting on 60
Take your places
Triple time
Pick a God, any God,
I hope he suits you fine
Cuz hearts turn to diamonds
When spades and clubs collide
Smell the success
Taste the salt on my sweat
Sixty frames a second I am
Spitting out my – spitting out my soul
Cuz it’s showtime!
And we’re shooting on 60
Take your places
Triple time
Pick a God, any God,
I hope he suits you fine
Cuz hearts turn to diamonds
When spades and clubs collide