Ten After Dawn visions

My attemps to break free from this raging agony
are condemned to failure, I got my hands in the dust again
it seems like everyone else has got the cure to get rid of their
desperate sides by just doing the same mistakes
they say every place has got a word to describe it
it´s cool or unsure, it's stuck up or got whores in it
and people know it, it reflects in their minds, they say
what to think, where to go
you´ve got it, or you´re not sure of it
It's not about the things you want
it´s the things that you collect
visions and the failures
creations, fall-aparts
that´s the place where we believe in a new start
where lovers start to turn away from their estranged hearts
This place where I am it´s getting harder to stand, oh yeah
I wont let it in, let my dark light decay again
when everyone else seems to find their way out of here
I know my diamonds and I wont let them disappear
And after all
the nights and days
all of us who've loved
we've got our memories
they can never take them away from us
there comes a great peace
when it hits you
you will cherish the gift of life
and when you just say it.if you just have it.for now.
in the end it's all the same.after all.
Après tous les jours et toutes les nuits
Tous ceux qui s'aimaient
On a des souvenirs
Ils ne nous quitterons jamais
Et la grande paix descends sur la terre
Seulement quand on saisit tout ça
On appréciera le don de la vie.
It's not about the things you want
it´s the things that you collect
visions and the failures
creations, fall-aparts
that´s the place where we believe in a new start
where lovers start to turn away from their estranged hearts