Thalia a quien le importa

People point at me, they point their fingers at me
They whisper behind my back and I don't give a damn
What difference does it make if I'm different from them?
I belong to no one, I have no owner
I know that they criticize me, I know that they hate me
Envy corrodes them, my life overwhelms them
ÃÂWhy would that be? I am not to blame
My circumstances insult them
My destiny is the one I decide
The one I choose for myself
ÃÂTo whom Does he care what I do?
Who cares what I say?
I am like this, I will continue like this
Never will change
ÃÂWho cares what I do?
ÃÂWho cares what I say?
I am like this, I will continue like this
I will never change
Maybe it is more to blame, for not following the norm
It is already too much too late to change now
I will hold firm to my convictions
I will strengthen my positions
My destiny is the one I decide
The one I choose for myself< br/>