Thanatos nothing left

There’s no use trying, there is no denying. It’s worthless, hollow, so declining. Life as we know it is based upon lies.
A joke, a farce, ‘till the day we die.
There is no hope for generations to come. Humanity will remain deaf and dumb. No reincarnation, no! There’s no afterlife.
Just worthless goals for which you strive.
No god to reward you, no hell where you’ll burn.
Everything you gained, to dust it will turn.
All your ideas flushed down the drain. All that is left is sadness and pain. As I wallow in the mud of remorse,
I look back in anger at the grief that I caused.
The joys and pleasures I used to indulge in, are too far behind me to even remember. Love turned to hate, and hate turned to bitterness. I’m too disappointed to ask for forgiveness.
Nothing left to conquer, nothing left to gain.
Nothing left to fight for, nothing’s worth the pain.
The fire’s been extinguished. The flame of life has died.