The Blue Hearts the rolling man

I'm blown away evil spirits of rivers and mountains rolling man
I also shot with a pistol shot in the waist but 妖怪変化
I'm a man I'm rolling around planted
He touches into gold slip through their hands dirty trap
Rollin 'Rollin' Rollin 'man
Which is it tomorrow
Rollin 'Rollin' Rollin 'man
Which is it tomorrow
Culture do not believe someone would give Detchi
The swing can be danced in one of the waist is sorry
I'm a man rolling through the dark forest
Wherever we roll the night of the storm Yarisugoshi
Perhaps you can meet a magical summer day
You go in, that the stealing of the cumulonimbus
Rollin 'Rollin' Rollin 'man
Which is it tomorrow
Rollin 'Rollin' Rollin 'man
Which is it tomorrow
I believe he wanted to be fake I do not dance
Even the sand castles I want to stand on their feet
I'm winding the watch of the month rolls man
We wanted to roll endlessly slip through