The Booth Brothers yesterday s battles medium key performance track with background vocals

I've lived through days filled with heartache and pain,
And prayed to the Father to take them away,
Then I heard Him whisper, Im always with you,
I hold tomorrow, Ill bring you through…
Yesterday's trials give me strength for today,
And they serve to remind me that He'll make a way,
The night-time is over and now I can see,
That yesterday's battles are today's victory….
If you are weary from the burdens you bear,
So tired of struggling and gettin nowhere.
Give them to Jesus, He'll stand in your place
When it is over, you'll once again say…
Yesterday's trials give me strength for today,
And serves to remind me that He'll make a way.
The night-time is over and now I can see…
That yesterday's battles, yesterday's battles…
Yesterday's trials give me strength for today.
And serves to remind me, that he'll make a way,
The night-time is over and now I can see…
That yesterday's battles, oh yesterday's battles, are today's. victory …