The Karl Hendricks Trio naked and high on drugs

Are you naked and high on drugs.
Are you wash in uncontrollable lusts.
Come and see me if the answer is yes,
If the answer's maybe, you can still get in touch.
Surprise, soon it may change your mind.
Surprise, Grandma was right this time.
Are you clingin' on to 30 fast,
Spending all your money on records and beer?
Don't you wish high school would last,
Don't you wish your parents were here?
Surprise, Wastin' all your precious time.
Surprise, Gettin' old while the paint dries.
Are you burnt out at 25,
got no reason why you shouldn't be dead?
Is all that heartbreak already behind you?
might as well quit before you're ahead.
Surprise, Guess you weren't to impressed last time.
Surprise, I'll be here if you want to give it another try.