The Kelly Family quisiera ser un angel

I would like to have your wings
I had them last night in my dreams
Chasing butterflies
Until the sun surprised me
Tonight it dazzled my eyes
When discovering a nest of angels
I have to touch that magical sky
To caress it in its nest
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were like you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I want to be like you
With the sweet honey above
Baname me whole with your love
And when you circle around my soul
I feed on your honey kisses
I would like to have your wings
Like last night in my dreams
I was lost in paradise
I wish I hadn't opened my eyes
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
But there is danger in the air
They want so badly to scare us
But there is danger in the air
They want so much to scare us
But we are not afraid
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
I want to be like you< br/>I want to be like you