The Levitated thanks for nothing

doing so many things for others and nothing for me has really taken its toll
reaching out to other people for nothing in return has gotten old
fuck it, forget about everything
and there's nobody here to keep me company
just me, myself and i and the air i breathe
fuck me for caring about you
fuck you for leaving me behind
i'm undoubtly depressed in case you couldn't tell
i'm sure you failed to notice
people come and go as they please, but do they ever miss me?
i know i need help, but it's hard to reach out when you're already in hell
i'm living in it, basking in it
so fucking used to it
i'll never learn
why do i bother caring about another when i don't care about myself?
i don't care about myself
i live a lethal life
cataclysmic, ready to die
and now i know your promise, your committment didn't mean shit
didn't mean shit