The Little Unsaid frankfurt

Step out, over the river
Figure this one out, try figure this out
We were walking on wires that pumped all the power
To the piggy bank buildings and the factory spires
We were over the trench that deepens the water
Sucks down the junk and all else that takes the plunge
The old shoes, the broken tools and the suicides
That cling to the riverbed's reflected lights
From office windows and city constellations
Criss-cross air traffic and the space stations
We are here, we're the living, we laugh and we cry
We go fall asleep and then we open our eyes
We watch the moving waters, the smoke play tricks
And the lonely traffic roll on the midtown bridge
We pass around notes in return for our fix,
Our feasts and our flesh between another one's lips
And the ride of your life under the bright red lights
That say ‘go, take whatever tickles the gaps in your soul'
You know that you need it, you know you're dying to feel
And it offers itself to you like an abandoned meal
You hear the ghost, in the back of your brain
You hear the voice, in the back of your mind
Saying 'Heal, in your own sweet time'
Bugs buzz around sweating meat
Where the midnight men zig-zag stoned through the streets
Eyeing what's on offer on the supermarket shelves
And wondering where best to relieve themselves
Before morning should yawn across a guiltless sky
Rain hangs in the air like a swarm of flies
That come to wipe the smile off the city hall clockface
Step out you regretters, step out you debased
And the black water swirls in the gutters all day
With the rinsed-off questions and the washed-off shame
Of those who tonight will streetwalk again
And I think to myself 'what a wonderful waste
What a beautiful place to contort and moan'
I'd try it myself if I could wander alone
But my mind whirls, like a dervish it spins
And any conscience that calls cannot be kept within
I pour whiskey on it, I send silence down my throat
But the devil in my belly keeps me on the straight road
Until the lights are behind me, winking far off
Saying: ‘come back one day', when you're not so damn soft
And we'll show you what it's all about
What you've been missing all along
Forget the shrinking forests and the ocean's songs
We've got everything you need
And you need and you know it
Cause you've been walking around here with a huge bite mark in your spirit.
You hear the ghost from the back of your brain
You hear the voice in the back of your mind
Saying 'Heal, in your own sweet time'
'Spin 'em around and watch the eyes roll back
We're asleep in the day and when the day turns black
We go for a ride and bring back what we find
Then we all change partners'
'Spin 'em around and watch the eyes roll back
We're asleep in the day and when the day turns black
We go for a ride and bring back what we find
Then we all change partners'
'Spin 'em around and watch the eyes roll back
We're asleep in the day and when the day turns black
We go for a ride and bring back what we find
Then we all change partners'
'Spin 'em around and watch the eyes roll back
We're asleep in the day and when the day turns black
We go for a ride and bring back what we find
Then we all change partners'
'Spin 'em around and watch the eyes roll back
We're asleep in the day and when the day turns black
We go for a ride and bring back what we find
Then we all change partners'