The Monks of Glenstal Abbey the beatitudes

Amen Truly I Say To You
Gather In My Name I Am With You
Amen Truly I Say To You
Gather In My Name I Am With You
Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Theirs
Blessed Are The Gentle They Shall Inherit The Land
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn They Shall Be Consoled
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Justice The Justice Of God Shall Be Theirs
Amen Truly I Say To You
Gather In My Name I Am With You
Blessed Are The Merciful Mercy Shall Be Shown Unto Them
Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart They Shall Behold Their God
Blessed Are Those Who Bring Peace They Shall Be Children Of God
Blessed Are Those Who Suffer In The Cause Of Right The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Theirs
Amen Truly I Say To You
Gather In My Name I Am With You