The Name feat. José Reis Fontao numbers facts

One ─ Some voice is calling me
Two ─ Red visions & black miss ions
Three ─ Obey to the pro phetic wor ds
Four ─ I feel my so ul marked by gods
Five ─ I penetr ate in my own myst erious ways
Six ─ Empty screen of my mental movie
Seven ─ Shall I have the courage to act
Eight ─ Damn! Switch the lights off
Numbers & facts
I lose control… of numbers
Numbers & facts
i can't control… the facts
One ─ Some rage is hurt ing me
Two ─ Terr ifying scream of consciousness
Three ─ Who is my impetuous Guru
Four ─ Dictate and I shall apply
Five ─ I'm afr aid of not hing, not hing
Six ─ Empty screen of my mental movie
Seven ─ Shall I have the courage to act
Eight ─ Damn! Switch the lights off