The National Anthem Of The French Republic la marseillaise

Let us go, children of the Fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny,
The bloody standard is raised! (bis)
Can you hear these ferocious soldiers roaring in the countryside?
They come right into our arms
To slit the throats of our sons and our companions!
To arms, my citizens!
Form your battalions!
Let us march! let us march!
Let impure blood
Water our furrows!
What does this horde of slaves want,
Of traitors, of conspiring kings?
For whom do these vile fetters,
These long-prepared irons? (bis)
French, for us, ah! what outrage!
What transports it must excite!
It is we who dare to meditate
To give back? ancient slavery!
What! these foreign cohorts
Would rule the roost in our homes!
What! these mercenary phalanxes
Would strike down our proud warriors! (bis)
Great God! by chained hands
Our fronts would bend under the yoke!
Vile despots would become
The masters of our destinies!
Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious,
L opprobrium of all parties,
Tremble! your patricidal projects
Will finally receive their prizes! (bis)
Everything is a soldier to fight you,
If they fall, our young heroes,
The earth produces new ones,
Against you ready? to fight!
French, as magnanimous warriors,
Deliver or hold back your blows!
Spare these sad victims,
With regret arming against us. (bis)
But these bloodthirsty despots,
But these accomplices of Bouille,
All these tigers who, without pity,
Tear their mother's breast!
Love coronation of the Fatherland,
Lead, support our avenging arms!
Liberty, Liberty darling,
Fight with your defenders! (bis)
Under our flags, let victory
Run to your evil accents!
Let your dying enemies
See your triumph and our glory!
We will enter into the career
When our elders are no longer there;
We will find their dust there
And the trace of their virtues. (bis)
Much less jealous of surviving them
Than sharing their coffin,
We will have the sublime pride
To avenge them or follow them!