The Paper Cranes applecore manticore

Was all of this for nothing?
All our blackened memories
Of languishing in bedrooms
Cradled in smoke of factories.
Like a crow tethered to a stone
Bones brittle enough to float
Feathers full of parasites
Huddled in mobile homes.
Up against the wall kid.
Up against the wall.
We've seen our halcyon days withered away.
We've seen our halcyon days wasted away.
No need to get so down.
Was it really so long ago
That we bristled with teeth and claws?
Under grey stars pissing light on us
We ran through neighbours yards.
In a nation of pesimists
We'd be nobility.
And if there was a crown to wear
We'd be the king and queen.
Up against the wall kid.
Up against the wall.
We've seen our halcyon days withered away
We've seen our halcyon days wasted away
No need to get so down