The Saving wrath condemnation

You are a child of hell, and everything that you do
from sunrise to set? You might as well
have been borne & bred by the devil.
The principles that you hold are all filthy,
frayed clothes being offered up in false hope.
You're a perverter of love,
a lover of perverse things.
Your tongue is black like soot from cursing
& you'd do well to cut it open
to behold all the pain it's inflicted.
Shut your mouth, you damned sinner, & listen.
The earth groans because you exist
The heavens cry out for justice
& you can't resist.
Will you hear this warning?
Will you heed this proclamation?
Will you begin to hate your sin?
You are a child of hell,
damned sinner
You are a child of hell,
damned sinner
& your foot will slip in due time.
The very stench of Satan flows from
your rotten & sinful heart.
How can you salvage any part?
Even your good deeds are tainted
by selfish & petty thoughts
How can you salvage any part?
You have declared war on the Almighty
& you could never hope to win.
Forget what you've been told:
Your deepest desires are moved by sin.
God is not pleased with you.
Now do you seek to make penance?
You'll find no hope in man's help
'cause by the weight of your own sins
You'll fall quickly into hell
Will you kneel at the cross of salvation?
Or forever be cast out?
Leave your guilt at the foot of the Savior
& let your debt be cancelled out
Damned sinner, hear clearly:
Run away.
Escape the coming wrath.