The Scarlet Plague feat. Orion Stephens burdened

I am the one who lays awake at night
I can't shut off my damn mind
These nights I lay awake and restless
This is the hell that I live in
I am nothing
I am worthless
I am not worth your time
A broken man I stand before you
I stand alone
How many times will I try to make it?
How many times will I have to fake it?
This is my burden
I am a burden, not worth your time
I am broken, don't try to fix me
No one gives a shit about people like me
I am alone in a world that hates me
I don't belong here anymore
Take me back to the time before everything went wrong
Oh god, it went so wrong
There's an easy way and a hard way to get out of this
And I honestly don't know which to choose anymore
Everyday it's just so hard to get out of bed
I used to preach for everyone to fight
I used to tell everyone you can make it through no matter what
How can I say that when I don't even know myself anymore
I thought I was so much stronger than this
I am so, so sorry
But I guess, I guess this is goodbye
Somebody stop me please
Before I do something I won't be here to regret
Now, my life lay broken around me
I didn't know what else to do
Mother I'm so sorry
But I will see you soon
I will see you soon