The Strangeness easy boys and easy girls

Easy boys for easy girls
They cancel each other out
But the ones who are too much work are left alone
Though we try to believe a simple joy will suffice
Easy boys and easy girls
They break our hearts
I sang her my favorite song and she said, Okay
I told her what it all meant and she said, Okay
Easy girls for easy boys
They cancel each other out
And I see you waiting for someone unlike them
Though you try to believe you can stay clear of their way
Easy girls and easy boys
They'll break your heart
You told him about your day and he said, Okay
You told him you loved him true
And he said, Thank you
Oh, leave them be
I know the waiting's hard
But you are better than that
We are better than that
Easy boys and easy girls
Easy boys and easy girls
Easy boys and easy girls
Easy boys and easy girls
They break our hearts