The Tidal Sleep lined skin rotten hull

even if the ocean
gets taken by low tide
soon time and the current
will bring those shorelines back to life
no one to blame
but the moon one says
so if I get the chance one day
and gain access to the forces of the planets
that are affecting these oceans
to move restless
I swear I will control them
just the way that they won't do you
no harm ever again
And then I will keep you close until the end
life's a sinking ship
a drowning island
a bright burning rig
in the middle of a rough and hopeless sea
we try to bring it to anchor
but do fail at failsafe tasks
a shipwreck rotten to the hull that
will never sail us back
and like a sinking stone
you're drowning all alone
and life is a breaking wave
a restless sea
a ruthless force