The Twoks hold on

Stop talking and sit down for just a sec
You've been going on and on since we first met
Did you think that I'd let you get away with it every time
No not again even though you know I'm on your side
Hold on I am the one worth keeping
Or I'll let go and then you'll be left with nothing
No one knows you as well as I do
So hold on and on as tight as I do
You always take control of everything
But I am capable despite of what you think
Do you really think that you will never get it wrong
When that day comes you better hope I'm still here holding on
No one said that you had to stay
But you're holding on 'til you get your way
But you knock me down 'til I'm on the floor
Will you hold me up like I have before
Well I'm holding on
But you're letting go