The U.S. Marine Corps she wore a yellow ribbon

Around her hair she wore a yellow ribbon
she wore it in the spring time and yearly month of may
and if you ask her why the hell she wore it
she wore it for the young marine whos far far away
far away far away
she wore it for the young marine whos far far away
around the block she pushed a baby carriage
she pushed it in the spring time and yearly month of may
and if you ask her why the hell she pushed it
she pushed for the young marine whos far far away
far away far away
she pushed it for the young marine whos far far away
behind the door her daddy kept his shot gun
he kept it in the spring time and yearly month of may
and if you ask him why the hell he kept it
he kept it just to blow that young marine ass away
far away far away
he kept it just to blow that young marine ass away