Thomas Sanders feat. Nicole Visco warrior girl

Warrior Girl, only goes to where she wants to
Warrior Girl, maybe has a heavy sword
Warrior Girl has no idea where she jumps to,
But she jumps to where she wants to,
And she's never, ever bored!
Warrior Girl, doesn't have to do the dishes
Warrior Girl, doesn't sit and watch TV
She doesn't need a candle to blow out to get her wishes.
She gets what she wants, money bag guaranteed!
But Maybe someday, maybe someday,
There'll be some way I can get to roam free
Maybe someday, maybe someday,
I'll find a way to climb the tallest, highest tree
That could be me!
Warrior Girl, sets about on her excursion,
Warrior Girl's up before the rising sun.
She's always triumphant whether by charm or by coercion
Or some sort of diversion
Or their tactics to be spun
Warrior Girl is half Chevalier