Thrudvangar schicksal

Deep at the foot of the ash tree,
surrounded by cold floods,
there is the home of the sisters,
determined by what was, being and becoming.
They weave the thread of fate,< br/>from which neither God nor man escapes.
All the days are numbered,
everyone's thread is spun.
But some people want to extend their deadline,
the he stays in Midgard.
Afraids of arguments and fights,
hides himself under warm blankets
until straw death overtakes him.
This is how a man stands with word and sword,
Against the straw death with will and courage,
Firm in belief in your own strength.
So go your way,
Wherever it leads.
Just a coward thinks to live forever,
so he flees from the enemy.
But old age reaches everyone,
even if the sword spares him.
Accept your fate,
take it in your hand.