Tierra Santa genghis khan

Where many others fell I will raise my victory
Fighting until the last breath I will give my blood
It will be with my name and my lineage
A thousand peoples in one I will unite
Until that one day the god of destiny will make me fall
I will make the earth and the sky dress with fire
To be able to conquer the entire world with death and terror
Guiding the faith of an empire
Guiding the faith of an empire
Guiding the faith of an empire
Guiding the faith of an empire br/>That buries a past without light
You will see its remains emerge
Fear surrendered to courage
Advance with the soul and overcome pain with strength
Today a people a single voice
Forged with courage
Of so many who are no longer
Today a creed a single voice
Forged with courage
Of so many who are no longer They are not
I will make you live as free
Under the same banner and color
Sow my seed in the earth embrace its passion
Today one people one voice
br/>Forged with courage
Of so many who are no longer here
Today a creed with a single voice
Forged with courage
Of so many who are no longer here< br/>