TimH what have we done instrumental

First on the list
Of things you missed
Here in the future
Would be a computer
A computer?
That's right.
A computer's kind of like an electronic brain
It does mankind's thinking while we're busy playing games
(What?) Everyone's got one
There's one in every home
They make us feel connected when we're really alone
Connected? How? How does it work?
... I don't know.
Look what we've done
See what we've achieved
All of the wonders mankind has conceived
A world of information at our fingertips
A library can hide inside a microchip
Look what we've done
There's so much more
The human race has run further than ever before
Science, arts, medicine, and politics
With the internet any problem can be fixed
I mean, I say can, occasionally results have been a bit mixed
But that's enough about that
Here's a picture of a cat
He's so grumpy, can't you see?
Don't you see why this is funny?
Isn't it funny?!
So, is this what this internet is for?
Looking at pictures of crotchety felines?
Well, it's a bit more complicated than that
Oh, it is?
Yes, sir!
The internet's a great place to socialise (yup)
There's a line, you never have to look your friends in the eye
Read the things our boring friends have to say
Ah! Akin to MySpace?
What the hell is MySpace?
(Say whaa?)
You can pester people for cybersex
Or waste away the days, stalking your ex
I mean, look at this
Can you believe that?
How could she leave me for this fucking twat?!
Take a cheeky selfie while you're on the shitter
Looking good!
Want to feel humbler, go on Tumblr
Reevaluate your life
See the world unfurled in front of your eyes
(Your eyes)
You'll despise the state of affairs
Desperate feminists and men's rights activists
In constant fights about their rights
To resolve the plights caused by whites
Must this injustice go on?
Everyone is wrong
(Sigh) Everything is shit
But ooh! A grumpy cat gif!
It's gif.
What's a gif?
Oh, it's like photo but it moves
Oh, splendid! But you mentioned injustice
Has mankind not learned from the past?
Oh yes, we have!
Women have had the vote for a hundred years
Female priests perform weddings for queers
Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves
The founding fathers would have turned in their graves
Incredible! Have we truly achieved equality for all?
Look what we've done
It's such a success
Everyone's indulging in a life of excess
We really don't need half the things we buy
But you've got to spend it all before you die
Look what we've done
Isn't it great?
Our lives have been commercialised at reasonable rates
One man's trash is another man's gold
Between Amazon and eBay anything can be sold
Absolutely anything
There's iPhones, xylophones, DVDs of Sherlock Holmes
Flinstones, ice cream cones, celebrity kidney stones
Attacker clones, student loans, customisable ringtones
Trombones, Sly Stallone, and even military drones
Airplanes, human brains, holidays to the Ukraine
Board games, baby names, and undiscovered web domains
Blingy chains, healthy grains, umbrellas in case it rains
Sexy dames, illegal claims, and highly gothic picture frames
Stylish shoes, shorter queues, and movies by the ...
Tasty stew, chocolate fondue, various narcotic glues
Platitudes, good reviews, politically biased news
Metal screws, big canoes, pictures of a man ...
Pasta bake, romantic lake, the venom of a deadly snake
Juicy steak, tea break, paintings of Sir Francis Drake
Snowflake, earthquake, shitty movie remakes
Fairy cake, milkshake, this instrumental break
No, like, seriously. We're part of the problem
But all of those things can go and get fucked
'Coz they're nothing compared to my
Favourite product
So, it's a beer hat
And, I like beer hats because
You put the beer on either side and you
S-sip it, and, I mean, pretty much anywhere really
They're really use-
Look what we've done
It's so bizarre
We share our thoughts, therefore we are
Everyone has a voice, which may sound good
But soon you'll see maybe not everyone should
Look what we've done
It's out of control!
It's hard to believe we still function at all
A generation with an attention span of zero
Nah nah, Robert DeNiro
Look what we've done
We're losing our minds!
Got the latest smartphone?
Get with the times!
In literally a month, it'll be old
And then I'll need a new one, or so I'm told
Look what we've done
It's completely mad!
The way we use the web is kind of sad
We squander it's gifts without thinking twice
It's a pretty sweet deal, but your soul is the price
iPhones, xylophones, DVDs of Sherlock Holmes
Airplanes, human brains, holidays to the Ukraine
Stylish shoes, shorter queues, movies by the ...
Pasta bake, romantic lake, the venom of a deadly snake
Juicy steak, tea break, paintings of Sir Francis Drake
Snowflake, earthquake, shitty movie remake
Fairy cake, milkshake
What have we done?