Todd Hoover & the Invisible Teal conventional beauty

A sexy smile and a bleached blonde hairdo.
A shirt that shows off her chest.
A pretty face all smothered in makeup.
A low top and a weight to match.
Supposedly, this makes a girl a cutie --
the formula for conventional beauty.
It's common for this kind of girl
to show her body off to the world,
so proud and so convinced that she's better
than the girls who aren't conventionally beautiful.
She's making sure they know that she is better.
She's making sure they feel like they are lesser.
But beauty's deeper than the skin
and beyond any conventions.
A girl who's smart and so profound,
the kind who's fun to be around --
she don't know it, but that girl is priceless.
As for the life-sized Barbie doll ...
if I was her, I would be full of worry.
Right now, she gets all of the cheers,
but in another seven years
I guarantee you'll see her on Van Buren.
I realize a weighty fact:
There is a face beyond the mask
and an unmasked face can be so lovely,
so much lovelier than
any kind of conventional beauty.
The only thing that makes me feel is ugly.
The only thing that makes us feel is ugly.