Todd Hoover & the Invisible Teal recycle bin

When I speak to you, I promise there will not be a trace of affection;
I just wanted you to know that I'm still around if you needed a friend.
Maybe one day we will look back on this whole entire situation
and laugh about it ... but for now, all there is between you and me is tears.
This time, I promise I won't expect you (or anything) to fix it all.
No, not at all ... at least I'll try.
And this time, I promise I will not let my heart get the best of my head.
At least I'll try ... oh, I can't keep any promises,
because nothing in the world
could cure my heart of its short attention span!
And when I try to throw my problems in the trash,
they always end up in the recycle bin!
Keeping hold of your problems?
Let them go and don't try to grab them again.
Keeping hold of the past?
Just throw it in the trash and not in the recycle bin.
When I speak to you, I promise there will not be a trace of affection ...
but I can't keep any promises.