Tony Norwell i long

Tony Norwell
I Long
I Long
I long to go to the mountains – I long to go to the sea;
I long to travel anywhere – I think that you may be.
I long to do the things now - that we both used to do –
I long to start again and then– I long to be with you!
I long for you right near me – and for how things used to be.
I long to be right back again - when we were you and me!
I long for the mountains – where we used to be so free;
I long to travel anywhere – I think that you may be.
I long for the way things were then – when you and I were one –
I long to start again now – way, way back when we begun.
I long to hear your breathing – when the sun begins the day;
I long for coming back again - when we had been away.
I long to hear your voice now – as if I could forget;
I long to start again and go – right back to when we met.
I long for when the four of us - were happy as could be –
I long for when we never thought we ever could be free -
Of the ties that bound us close then –as close as close could be –
When we never thought at all then - they would ever set us free!
I long for all that’s been now – for all that love so much-
I long to be back near to you – I long for that so much.
When you held me up so high then – I never thought that I could drop –
And forget how good it felt when we were both high up on top.
I long to give up longing – and for all that that could mean –
I long to give up dreaming – and make reality my dream.
I long to hear the voices that were all my life to me –
I long to stop my longing and set all my past dreams free…