TRILOGY Scripture Songs listen to counsel

Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding
Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
A merry heart does good like medicine
but a broken spirit dries the bones
A merry heart does good like medicine
but a broken spirit dries the bones
Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
Pleasant words are like an honeycomb
sweetness to the soul and health to the bones
Pleasant words are like an honeycomb
sweetness to the soul and health to the bones
Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
Listen to counsel receive instruction
that you may be wise
you may be wise in your latter days
you may be wise in your latter days