Trollfest sagn om stein

As Captain Kaos begins to see closer to die menschen's development,
Ser is that something ist sehr verruckt. Everything seems to take place in peace and
tolerability, people are fair and there is cooperation over a low shoe.
There seems to be a weapon missing, thinks Captain Kaos and decides to
and do something about it. Is the journey back to die spede beginning
for die menschen undt takes, say, a certain primate ancestor out on a trip.
Now I'm going out to collect rocks my boy
A sharp stone my boy that can split your skull sharp stone and show the certain primate
ancestor a trick or two
Then they take the stone back to the rest of the herd and sure enough
an extremely one-sided fight ensues. Erm, Without any further elaboration, it can safely be said that the captain's protégé emerges as the victorious
party, but the captain was not called chaos for nothing and lured the pack's former
with him leads out on tour
There is a legend about stone, as in a legend about stone
There is a legend about stone, which is a legend about stone
The captain Trecker sich back undenden the chaos he has taken care of this primate herd
Success he thinks and reminds himself that this can never be repeated too often
After looking a little closer at the humans as they evolve, Captain Kaos thinks things are too peaceful and sets out to teach them about weapons. He finds himself a tribe of our forefathers and brings one of the smaller males out on a hike to find a very sharp stone. When they have found a sharp enough stone they bring it back to the village and the smaller male beats the shit out of the previous leader of the tribe and becomes the new leader. In the interest of chaos though, the troll decides to bring the previous leader out to find another sharp stone, and so the arms race begins.