Trollfest troll gegen mann

Vikingene maser, where does the captain come from? mann, berserk against strangers must
På the perfect mjød, captain leather jakt ann
all trolls can ofres, the eye is for the eye's madness,
troll against man< br/>Blodet bruser
Troll against man, strong i comma big and tight
Troll against man, viking genes drink lighter mjød enn vann
Fråden stand strip and toast becomes too heavy. Medfødt urtøst
lever, mye vil ha mer.
Blodøks gegen trollet never, stahl mot den beinhrde knoklete hud
Felles has blir opplyst. Gamle minner kommer fram.
Both tar likes to use the kristne
Mann and troll are drinking, and praten vilt and høyt,
You skryter av gamle drepte kristne, both ljuger drøt !
The viking man he says, Etter a little hour
Dykk skal lære kemmeligheita, vi skal gi dykk gull i munn !
Mann and troll are drinking, and praten vilt and høyt,
You can play with the kristne drepte, the two young ones are there!
(Felles has the same opplyst. They both like to use the kristne tar)
The first hand trykk between troll and man
>Sverd med øks, and tann med ann.
Kaos is well fornøyd, finally skal skating delast !
No Gram and Fenris can remain best friends.
No lives are leaves! Good tim can come from cash registers with idioti
Kaptein Kaos is leading the trolls in a hunt across time for the perfect ,sad, and the vikings would be the ones ti talk to about that! Once he meets them, however, the vikings freak out and try to kill these unfamiliar monsters that have some for their precious drink! A massive fight breaks out and it seems things are going to get real nasty when they all if a sudden bond over a shared hatred for the Christians. The men share the mead recipe and they all sit down to exchange stories and bring about the good old days, when Christians roamed freely and were easy to prey.