Trollfest vulkan

Time to check out what happened to people in Pompeii
I will so see nature's wrath,
Thinks Kaos. that's how Captain Kaos thinks
Sets the date. Captain Kaos sets the date
Then the Captain travels forward to Vesuvius in 79
kick the volcano so the lava flows over
Create chaos. Captain Chaos creates chaos
Eruption!! This day the mountain slams
Panic!! The people scream, the people run
Run! Run!
High in his time machine, Captain Kaos sits looking out over the destruction
Eruption!! The next day the mountain slams
Long!! Many days it rains ash
YES!! screams Captain, he wants to see the whole shit again
two days behind for a replay
So does Kaos. This is how our Captain Chaos makes
Joy, joy, the captain is enjoying himself, nature is blowing out
the flame of life for everything in his vicinity
Blow !! Out!!
Captain Kaos travels to the volcano Vesuvius beside the city Pompeii to see the wrath of nature uo close. When he gets there he gives the volcano a good old kick start and flies up to keep it all in his machine. When it is finished some days later, he is so amused and astonished he travels back (some days) to see it all one more time.