Turmion Katilot sin saatana

A life is born, a murder is born
All this from the same mother's death
From the beginning to the end, a small breath
A small moment in your arms leaves you cold< br/>It's a wolf in sheep's clothing
Raws and leaves to be thrown
A cold eye watches
When life escapes from a small body
You drown him Visit and burial
Foods you love and whip
Woman cruel in God's boots
Your soul is a pig that your mind fucked
The soul is crying, the father is crying
The child who begged for your love is gone
You are not sick, the disease is you
You who can kill the innocent
The embodiment of your blood is for you die
Does the state or the hand of the wife kill whoa
A moment of silence it will never happen again
You can run away to play in peace
Where ¤ is always summer
You, Satan, put your son in a coffin
So small that you can carry it in your hand
The soul cries, the father cries
The child who begged for your love is gone< BR/> Drown His and Buries
Foods you love and whip
Woman cruel in God's boots
Your soul is a pig that your mind na
The soul cries, the father cries
The child who begged for your love is gone
mother what did I do wrong uh wrong uh