Twisterbait traffic lights

They like sun, Brazilians
Her movement is gentle and fluid, like water
I bet they share what they have
and give enough love to each other
They say that a child, given patience and time by its mother,
is safe in the wild where its circuits are wired to discover
They're like rats, these robots
that whisper and scurry and gather
in packs to prove their petty importance together
I bet they play games, denying the flame from each other
I bet they have names for people who'd rather not bother
See you at nine… I'll bring some wine
and we can lie, our legs entwined,
under the glow of traffic lights
through your window's Venetian blinds
It's like frost, this feeling
that covers my being in winter
reducing my grand piano-sized plans to a splinter
I'm fast growing eyes that make me despise every pure
genetic desire to test that my line is secure
See you at nine… I'll bring some wine
and we can lie, our legs entwined,
under the glow of traffic lights
through your window's Venetian blinds
A temperature is all we have
It's insecure
It's warm and sad
Inside a stranger, I belong
The lights will change and I'll be gone.