Unbounded stop

Our first step felt like yesterday
When we came to this tranquil place
Stayed strong for home now miles away
Met people who are now a part of me
Storms run along the alphabet
We swing back and forth like the trees
Held courage to fight and forget
The fears and tears that overwhelm me
Time chases the dreams that we build
Yet there's so much to unfold
The end of the chapter has set us free
Seventy-five legends made history
No man is an island, six years gone
We broke all the bound'ries to make us one
When bridges are burned and the smoke conceals
The hands reaching out to the light that heals
Keep your feet on the ground
We'll be safe and sound
We're family you could always come home to
From inside jokes and petty things
We make and recall memories
Our weird sides may defy the norms
But when brought together we paint the most colorful years
Our differences blend and collide
We brace flaws and strengths as a whole
The end of the chapter has set us free
Seventy-five legends made history
No man is an island, six years gone
We broke all the bound'ries to make us one
When bridges are burned and the smoke conceals
The hands reaching out to the light that heals
Keep your feet on the ground
We'll be safe and sound
We're family you could always come home to
After school, we go out of the dorms to play
Run around, sing along, here's to mashup days
Lights are out, we go out to the balcony
Cool wind blows, all the stars shine for us to see
Close your eyes, make a wish upon shooting stars
Full-packed tent, missing slippers at late night hours
Sun is out, whipping waves wake us up today
We live for these anyway
The end of the chapter has set us free
Seventy-five legends made history
No man is an island, six years gone
We broke all the bound'ries to make us one
When bridges are burned and the smoke conceals
The hands reaching out to the light that heals
Keep your feet on the ground
We'll be safe and sound
We're family you could always come home to
Six years seem to pass overnight
We move on to next stage in life
We'll grow and see more of the world
Few years from now, we will meet again