Unlight temphioth

Lion-Serpent, Demonic formulae
Lion-Serpent, Sepulchral sounds through the Temple
Demonic formulae
the Alchemy of the Conjoined Beast
I am walking Fields of Black, Turgid earth
the giant Worm
has uncoiled beneath the Soil
Temphioth - Conjoined Beast
Temphioth - Conjoined Beast
From the Cauldron's flames
Simulacra emerge out in the fields
Resplendent and Serpent-like
Moving with Snake-like beauty
into the Dark Environs of the Nightside Vale
Temphioth - Conjoined Beast
Temphioth - Conjoined Beast
Lion-Serpent, Sepulchral sounds through the Temple
Demonic formulae
it's the Alchemy of the Conjoined Beast