Urszula wielki odlot

Sleepless night,
Look at the stars, fly,
The planet of tears has crashed
No one saved us from it
I can't live
Torn in half
Yes a little there and a little here
Late, the explosion has already occurred
The great departure
Under another sky without stars
The stars are flying,
I will soon fly away too
Atlas heaven
This is the only thing I can give you
A medicine for fear, fear for sleep,
For the great morning fear
hail of acorns
It will no longer hide us,
What must happen will happen
Yet you will still remain in me
If not for us
A flight is scheduled
To the island of roses beyond the sea of u200bu200bu200bu200bsuns
Save , on your shoulder a cat
Great departure
Under another sky without stars
The stars are flying,
I will soon fly away too
Sky atlas
This is all I can give you
A cure for anxiety, anxiety for sleep,
For the great morning fear
The great departure
Under another sky without stars
The stars are flying,
I will soon fly away too
Sky Atlas
This is the only thing I can give you
A cure for anxiety, a cure for sleep,
For the great morning fear