Vairo the fucking show

Welcome to the show wine and overflow we drink until we rage we drinking backstage.
We have just been briefed by the manager-in-chief.
Saying not blackout and the show is sold out.
Here we gotta go, yeah, we do this fucking show grab the mic and say hey just pretend and press play .
Here we gotta go, yeah, we do this fucking show grab the mic and say hey just pretend and press play, play, play...
This is the fucking show let the fucking speakers blow.
Well that was kinda sick but we're tired of this shit [?] get home and get high or drink until we die.
We have just been briefed by the manager-in-chief.
Saying you got something big you're doing another gig.
Here we gotta go, yeah, we do this fucking show grab the mic and say hey just pretend and press play.
Here we gotta go, yeah, we do this fucking show grab the mic and say hey just pretend and press play, play, play...
This is the fucking show let the fucking speakers blow.