VAMPS(JPN) sex blood rock n roll

We're just kids coming here to play
Up all night long n' sleeping all day
We need a fix but can't go to a store
the gig's sex and blood's our liquor
Come on! We're ready Sex, Blood, Rock n' Roll We're just kids coming here to play
Up all night long n' sleeping all day
We need a fix but can't go to a store
the gig's sex and blood's our liquor
Come on! We're ready Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
uh uh uh
Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
uh uh uh
Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
uh uh uh
Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
uh uh uh
Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
uh uh uh
Sex Blood Rock n' Roll
uh uh uh
Sex Blood Rock n' Roll